An elderly lady at church told me, "The days might be long but the years go by so fast." And that's exactly how I feel with Hayden. I feel like her "baby" life is going by so fast.
Two year old Hayden is full of spirit. She has such a fervor about her every emotion. Watch out when she's mad but most of the time she is such a sweet girl. She says, "Thank you, Mama" all the time, even when I put on her socks. :) She is a wonderful sleeper. Wonderful as in says, "I'm ready for a nap" and says "sweet dreams, Mama" when I lay her down. She loves doing what Hazel is doing but is just fine playing on her own dressing up or "cooking" in her kitchen. She is very particular about what she wears. Almost always requesting a different outfit than I had planned. She loves accessories (hats, glasses and necklaces) and pushing her shopping cart around. She loves her school day and I'm told by the teachers that she follows directions well.
She's the kind of kid that you just want to hug and squeeze because she is just so darn sweet.
Happy Birthday Hayden we love you so much.