Friday, April 27, 2012

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Sprinkler Time Already?

Racing through the sprinkler.
Interesting way to get a drink
This kid freaks out if she gets water in her eyes at bath time but will stand for a long time with the sprinkler water spraying her in the face. Go figure.
Hayden didn't get very far from the deck. I guess she's not quite ready for sprinkler season. :)

All But One Leg

It's just that right leg that doesn't like the grass. :)

Daddy's Girl

I've seen pictures of David when he was this age and I think it's safe to say Hayden has many of his features.

Princess in Training

The girls have been teaching Ivy the ropes around here. ;)

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

YouTube Video

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Hayden's Eyes

Sweet baby Hayden has been quite the two year old lately. She doesn't want to wear diapers, wants to do everything on her own and already knows how to bat her big eyes and sweetly say, "please?" when she wants something. Those eyes are so hard to say no to. :)

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Ivy is Standing

This little baby is pulling up all over the house, trying to climb stairs and I caught her standing alone the other day. How can I keep these kids from growing up?


David built this sandbox for the girls over the weekend. The dig is on and they're loving it.

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Monday, April 9, 2012

Horse Riding

This is Chloe. Every Monday Hazel goes with my mom to the stables to ride horses. To say Hazel loves horses would be an understatement. She dreams about them, loves movies about them, pretends she is a horse and even makes Hayden be a horse too. I don't know a lot about horses but I think she's doing well. She is leaning to trot and pretty much directs the horse herself in the arena. With my limited knowledge I'd say that's pretty good for a four year old.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter

We went to our favorite annual egg hunt at Marsh's house.

David won the adult hunt......again. That guy is good at egg hunting. It must be his high vantage point. ;)
Ivy helped me hunt.
I'm not sure I have a picture of Hayden at this age with her eyes open.
Yes, that's a feather in Hayden's pocket. She found it and was very proud that she could put it in her pocket.

Matching Sunday dresses were so cute. Thanks MeMoe.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012